A2Council Info

2024-05-20 Ann Arbor City Council Wrapup

The Ann Arbor City Council met on .

The main thing that happened at this meeting was the passage of the budget with some changes to help accelerate housing development and fund human services.

Also exciting is the ADA Transition Plan for the parks system. I haven’t actually read it, but I’m glad they have a plan.

Another exciting thing was the $9m bond to hasten the construction at 121 E Catherine of Dunbar Tower.

2024-04-15 Ann Arbor City Council Wrapup

The Ann Arbor City Council met on .

The big thing that happened at this meeting was the city administrator’s presentation about his proposed budget.

2024-04-01 Ann Arbor City Council Wrapup

The Ann Arbor City Council met on .

This was a big meeting that passed resolutions unequivocally setting the priorities of city council: We must facilitate the construction of housing at all income levels!

Opinion: Golf is not the best use of city resources

At the last City Council meeting meeting, the council voted not to sign a 5-year lease on gas-powered golf carts because running gas-powered vehicles goes against the city’s plan to go carbon-neutral by 2030. At tonight’s meeting, they are reconsidering this decision and will probably choose to lease the golf carts.

I have opinions about this, which I wrote to them in a letter, which I will re-print below. If you want to write them a similar letter, you can email CityCouncil@a2gov.org.

If you want to call them before tonight’s meeting (or after), find your councilmembers’ contact info here.

Now, here is what I wrote to them:

Ann Arbor City Council Preview for Monday, 2023-05-01

The next Ann Arbor City Council meeting will be .

The things I’m most excited about are actually things that will not be voted upon at this meeting.

The first thing I’m excited about is the public hearing about the proposed budget. This is your chance to comment on the budget that was proposed by the City Administrator in his presentation at the last city council meeting. The city council will not vote on the budget at this meeting. This is just a public hearing. They will vote on it at the next meeting and propose amendments. You can also email CityCouncil@a2gov.org with your thoughts. I’m going to call in to this public meeting and mention my thoughts: I don’t want cops on the proposed downtown safety patrols - just EMTs and social workers. And I don’t want the police budget expanded to add 1.75 FTE.

Which brings me to the other thing that I’m excited about at this meeting, which will not be voted on. In fact, it will not even be discussed, unless people call the city clerk’s office to get on the speaking agenda for the meeting.

The other thing I’m excited about is the response from the consultant we hired to help us design the unarmed response program, in which there will be people you can call when there is a crisis, and they will only send a helpful response, and will not send police. Let’s see what the consultant said!